Implementing Campaign Manager - Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle)

Job script

The Job script references the Transformation script, then performs the file deletion of the original file and converts the _working to its original name and placement on the FTP Site.


  1. Select File > New > Job and save with an appropriate name.
  2. Right-click to access Job Settings. Select the Parameters tab and set the following (examples used):
    • = C:\Temp\
    • = K_TestFile1.txt
    • alterian.creativeui.channelname =
    • alterian.creativeui.OutputFileName =
  3. Click OK.
  4. From the General menu, select START and drag the item to script.
  5. From the General menu, select Transformation and drag the item to script. and connect the two items from START to Transformation.
  6. Connect the two items from START to Transformation.
  7. Double-click the Transformation and in the Transformation filename, browse to the previously created transformation, and select OK.
  8. From the File management menu, select and drag a Delete File item onto the script and connect from Transformation to the Delete File.
  9. Double-click the Delete File, and in the File name section use the CTRL-Space method to build the value ${ }\${}
  10. Click OK.
  11. From the File management menu, select a Move Files item onto the script and connect from Delete File to Move Files.
  12. Double-click Move Files and in the grid at the bottom use the CTRL-Space method to build the grid, as seen below. Note the use of the {alterian.creativeui.OutputFileName } parameter here.

  1. On the Destination file tab of the Move files tool, check the Destination is a file check box.
  2. Click OK.
  3. From the File Transfer menu, select the Put a File with FTP tool.
  4. Enter the FTP site details on the General tab.
  5. Enter the location using variables on the Files tab.
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